Friday, June 5, 2015

9 Social Media Ways To Communicate With Your Audience

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9 Steps On Social Media How To Communicate To Your Audience  

Want to spark more engagement? And get your fans to interact with you on social media? It takes creativity to drive comments and dialog.

 Here are seven ways to get your audience to talk to you on social media.

#1: Ask Questions Creatively

Asking your fans questions may get some response. Let’s say you’re in the Affiliate Marketing industry. A question like, “What’s your favorite place to find traffic?” could be so basic that fans might not bother to answer. Ask a similar question with multiple-choice answers, like

How do you find your traffic? What type of traffic do you use? Solo, PPC and much, much more. How much does your traffic cost per month.

Doing it this way, will opens the door to getting plenty of responses. Post questions you think your audience wants to answer. Remember, pictures and a little humor does wonders for engagement.

#2: Organize Unique Contests

Social media is one of the most important part of building your business. You for sure want to be different and to stand out for your brand and from every one else

IPAS2 is a well-known step-by-step marketing system. Initiating a contest to promote the system, will add some fun and help your team members grow.

The people that signed up to take part in the Contest, had to follow the system on Internet marketing sites like, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter….

Then they would post a picture of themselves and a code given by you for a chance to win $??? or a gift of you pick.

People’s response to this kind of contest is highly receptive; therefore there could be a lot of sign up.

Don’t just create any contest. Think outside the box and come up with something fans will want to participate in, share and discuss on yours and their social sites. It works better if you work with your fans before the final decision is made.

#3: Arrange a Q&A Session

Your customers more than likely have questions for you, whether they work with a company, a products or a services, they will have questions that need to be answered. Establish a forum where they can be heard. Host

Google Hangouts and Twitter chats or even create a simple Facebook post that asks your audience what they want to know about your company or product. You can interview experts related to your industry in that type of scenario, as well.

Google will arrange hangouts with others that maybe interested in exploring the field you are talking about and or focusing on.

In some Google hangouts people can ask questions no matter what their business is. There are always things your audience wants to know about. Give them an opportunity to ask, and as a result, there will be plenty of social media engagement.

Maybe handing out tickets to those who take part in the conversation, during the Google hangout, will qualify to be in a drawing that will take place at the end of the hangout. The winner can earn tools for their business like books, videos, e-books…

#4: Tag People in Curated Content

There are a couple of ways to curate content that will lead to more engagement.

First, whenever you share someone else’s content, remember to tag the original publisher. This is the easiest way to attract the eyeballs of the original content creators.

In the most likely scenario, they will post a comment thanking you for the share.

Another method is to write curated articles. Choose a topic and reference multiple articles, along with their authors and links. Then, tag everyone mentioned in the post when you post socially.

For example, Andrea Beltrami created a blog post with top articles on visual social media marketing. When the post went live, she shared the link and mentioned the names of all of the authors included. Andrea also gave them a shout-out on her G+ profile.

The post got lots of shares and comments, many from the mentioned authors. Andrea Beltrami curated a post of visual resource articles, and tagged everyone mentioned in the post when she shared it on social media. Many of the authors commented with their thanks.

People mentioned in a curated post are likely to comment with their thanks. The more people tagged, the more comments there will be to get the conversation going on your page.

Tagged authors are likely to share your content on their profiles and pages as well, and tag you back.


#5: Encourage User-Generated Content

User-generated content (UGC) is an excellent way to get your fans talking on your page. It’s the most convenient, yet trickiest, way to get engagement.

If you don’t draft the blueprint carefully, it might go unnoticed. However, you can take ideas from brands like GE, Belkin, Target, Warby Parker, Pepsi and Starbucks to get your creative juices flowing.

Starbucks’ #WhiteCupContest is an excellent example of a successful UGC contest. The coffee giant took the cue from their customers, who doodled vibrant designs on the brand’s iconic white cup. In 2014, they launched the first #WhiteCupContest, where customers were asked to design the cup, take a photo and share on social media using the hash tag.

Starbucks asked customers to share their white cup designs on their social pages. The campaign received more than 4,000 entries in just three weeks. Overwhelmed by such amazing results, Starbucks launched the campaign again this year, but this time just for the store partners.

When your fans contribute to the content on your page, they’re likely to engage and get their friends to join in.

#6: Connect With a Social Cause

Even if a social cause doesn’t directly relate to your brand, you can still embrace and promote it on your page. It’s always nice to do things for others. Plus, it enhances your branding.

Estée Lauder is a world-renowned beauty product manufacturer. When they conducted a Breast Cancer Awareness (BCA) campaign, it made them a socially aware and sensible brand.

The call to action of the campaign was “Hear our stories. Share yours.” And that’s what their fans did. Social campaigns, like the one Estée Lauder did for Breast Cancer Awareness, inspire fans to comment.

They asked their audience to visit to hear from breast cancer survivors and share their own stories. When they initiated the program, hundreds of people shared their stories on the platform.

If there’s a cause your company supports, create a campaign or just spread the word on your social pages. Fans are likely to engage with socially responsible content.

#7: Post About Current Events

Being topical always brings fresh traffic to your page, whether it’s centered on a holiday, event or live showFor example, Papa John’s Pizza posted about the March Madness basketball finals on their Facebook page. They asked fans to pick the winning team, and received more than 50 comments within a few hours.

Papa John’s Pizza’s posted about the March Madness finals to spark a lot of engagement in a short period of time.When you create content that relates to current events that people are already talking about, it really helps to engage your fans. Over to you

There’s lots you can do to inspire conversation on your social media pages. You just need to get creative and come up with unique posts that will engage your fans and get them talking.

What do you think? How do you engage your social media audience? What inspires your fans to talk on your page?

Please share your experience and recommendations in the comment section below. Starbucks #WhiteCupContest image created with Placeit. Custom image icon made by Freepik from Flaticon.

#8: Find, Create and Share Content

Find, collect, and share content that is relevant to your industry and engages your audience . Maintaining a curation feed will not only help you stay up-to-date on industry trends but will keep you top of mind as a resource .

Sharing and learning with your audience sparks conversations and generates leads in the process . Producing and sharing your own content is a great way to add your voice to the conversations about your industry . This demonstrates increased commitment to your industry and showcases why people should pay attention to your brand.

Whether you write a corporate blog, engage in industry- specific Twitter chats or forums, or create video content is up to you . Here are some things to keep in mind when sharing and creating content.

People look to others for great finds.

Be thoughtful and thought provoking.

Ask questions. 

Avoid pet topics you enjoy ranting on.

Get your audience’s mind racing.

Show them that their opinions matter.                           

Share industry-specific information.                    

Be interesting and in innovative.              

You don’t always have to write brand related contact. 

Have fun a Friday video will make them smile.     

Share content they need. Don’t know what they need?

Ask them.

Consider discount codes, coupons or other benefits.

Share your knowledge. Even if it’s the best way to make Chicken Cordon Bleu.

Use different media types e-books, white papers, info-graphics, videos, etc.

As you write and share, see what works . Ask your community what they like . After all, just like with any trend, what they enjoy one moment could be a turn off the next, so keep your eyes peeled.

#9: Help Your Customers Become More Social

Even if you don’t think of yourself as a social media expert, you can share what you learn with your customers and community . It’s easy to start a blog . Then let your customers know about it through your regular channels, like your email newsletter or website . Here are a few approaches:

• You don’t have to sound like an expert . “We’ve started this blog to share what we’re learning in social media . We hope you’ll share the journey with us, let us know what questions you’re trying to answer, and what’s working for you .

• You don’t have to answer every question . You can share the questions you’re asking and the goals you want to achieve . Then when you answer them, you’ll have even more to share .

• Your customers already know you . They like you . They trust you . They’re all wondering about social media, and they would love for you to help them figure it out . And they will thank you for it.

Good Day


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